Wednesday 29 August 2012

Stepping Stones Training

Fiji Camp

Just spent four days learning community engagement methods (Stepping Stones) and getting steeped in Fiji culture!

Heaps to think about and process - got kava-ised, did lots of crazy fun activties and learnt some fun and colourful Fijian words!

So, the next step - learn lots more Fijian! Learn lots of songs to share. And implement Stepping Stones in the community with my colleague Kira!

Saturday 25 August 2012

Bula - this is Fiji!


So much for Fiji time - since arriving three weeks ago I haven't had time to stop! So here is the abridged version of the Fiji life so far.

We started with the Amazing Race - Suva...lesson number one - Fiji buses are airy and musical. Many random bus rides around Suva will be on the agenda! Actually most of them so far have been unintentional - I keep catching the wrong bus!

Continued with a whirlwind tour of Vuci Village...where it was all dalo, dancing, breadfruit, dancing, lovo and more dancing. The best version of the macarena ever delivered in acapella!

Then there was Tadra Kahani, where I experienced the local version of Bieber fever...this is like Rock Eisteddfod and was quite amazing.

And to finish, Adi Senikau - the celebration of 'throwing yourself, as yourself onto the Catwalk!' The highlight of the Hibiscus Festival...well that and the Ferris Wheel of death!
Oh yes, and I started work.