Saturday 13 October 2012

Fiji Day and Farewells

Wednesday 10 October is Fiji Day!

In the lead up to Fiji Day I enjoyed the benefits of working opposite the national fair grounds (Albert Park), and was subjected to daily firings of the cannons. I am not sure there needed to be that much rehersal for firing off the canon, because apparently on the actual day they didn't fire off the cannons. And the parade ran ahead of schedule, so I missed it!!

For my Fiji Day, I enjoyed what is fast becoming a national pastime and went to Zumba early Wednesday morning. Then it was off to zipline through the forest near Pacific Harbour and then home to a sunny Suva day and lazed around by the pool. If only all days could be like thhis one! Happy Fijian Independence! 

The end of this week bought some more good times, but some sadness as well as a big group of volunteers is about to leave after their one year in Fiji! It is extraordinary to speak to these girls and to hear their stories - all so different and unique. And to celebrate, they took us all out on a whirlwind tour of Suva night spots.

It got me to thinking about the fact that I have less than four months left in Fiji and when I leave I will be doing it on my own. It makes me apprehensive only so far as I have barely scratched the surface of what I want to try and achieve here - from a work and life perspective. I don't think 6 months is anytime, let alone being close to enough. I saw the way these girls relate their stories and experiences, and I cannot help but think I am missing out on a fulfilling experience here because the time is just so short.

Mind you, I could choose to stay. Or come back. Watch this space people. It could happen!

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