Thursday 4 October 2012

The Le Hunte Life

I live at the wonderful Le Hunte residence in Suva. This is a perennial volunteer house and many lay claim to its ownership. As in, currently we are living there and think of it as our house, but past volunteers still fondly remember it as theirs!

Anyway, I digress. The house is a little bit of wonderment. A fabulous open kitchen and enough space to make four people living in the house not feel like four people are living in the house.

The best part? The living room which has been converted into a strennis mort.

Strennis? Mort? What are these things you speak of? Well, I am here to introduce to the future of sport, invented by Le Hunte for Le Hunte....STRENNIS!

Basically, our giant TV does not work, so to mitigate bordeom one evening, two of the housemates (featured) happened upon the game following the indulgent purchase of a soft stress ball from Tappoo city mall. The game is played with a stress ball and vaguely resembles tennis, hence strennis.

The game has captured the imagination of Suva's residents...OK, that might be a stretch. We have managed to induct three outsiders to the cause. But they are all pretty dedicated fans.

The game is played on the mat-court (mort) and, well, the rules change depending who is playing. The brain's trust of strennis (featured) are imbued with the power to change the rules at will. This includes mid game!!

Strennis has faced many struggles and difficulties on the way to becoming a mainstream sport - the strennis ball was stolen, resulting in an abrupt halt to all strennis activity. But slowly, the game has spread and now we can triumphantly place strennis alongside football and synchronised swimming as one of the great global sports.

My addition to the game?? Distraction! I have achieved great notoriety as a great distractor. It has not resulted in me winning any actual games, but that is not the point. The point is, strennis is awesome and so there!

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