Tuesday 27 November 2012

A typical day in Fiji

I feel like more than ever today embodied a typical day for me.

Sleep - badly - it's hot and I have lots on my mind - weekend getaways, work...mostly weekend getaways.

Wake up early for exercise with a Britt or a Bec. Feel good.

Come home. Get on Facebook. Enough said.

Go to work.

Go for extended coffee/lunch/second hand shopping trip!

People don't turn up for important work meeting. Feel annoyed. Stomp around office.

Come home early as I feel all is lost. Engage in post work activity - French, more exercise, cheap movie, chatting to people about how all is lost.

About to go to bed - colleague texts - come for a kava sesh at boss' house to discuss work.

Go to kava sesh, bring wine. Have HIGHLY productive work meeting. Make jokes with colleagues about engagement with local culture.   

Return to Facebook. Talk to former volunteer, who incidentally used to live in my house.

Still can't sleep, but that is also OK because I have excused myself from tomorrow's early morning exercise and assured colleague of late start.

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