Monday 26 November 2012

When a blue starfish hugs a rock

I just love underwater romance! I was lucky enough to sneak away over the weekend to the Tubakula Bungalows near Sigatoka on the Coral Coast. Yes, when you live in Fiji, that is just what you do!

My plan was to work on the office policy manual, the reality was much more whimsical. The water was a perfect temperature for lazing and swimming around with fish and blue starfish. There was quite a lot happening in not much water! Including this:

In more serious news, the 16 Days of Activism Campaign started yesterday which focuses on raising awareness of violence against women and children and will culminate on Human Rights Day on 10 December with a march in Suva.

This week also sees us celebrate another World AIDS Day. It was our hope at MEN Fiji we would be able to support the launch of a recent research study, but unfortunately timing got the better of us. A local organisation that works with People Living with HIV will be hosting a Red Tie Fashion Evening - this raises important fashion questions regarding red, ties and evenings. I have begun preparations by purchasing ridiculously high shoes, which make me super tall, so that at least now I am only the shortest person in my office by 5 cms instead of 20 cms. Now all I need is the red and the tie part.

This is all part of a new initiative FJN+ are working on to celebrate the Arts and PLHIV and to help develop microfinance-like programs.

I have started doing my geek thing again, where I admire the heck out of women doing really incredible things. I met two such women on my recent trip to Nadi for a workshop on peer education - Vani Dulaki who is Executive Director of FJN+ and Matelita Seva who is Executive Director of Reproductive Health and Family Planning Fiji. They are doing really important work and being quite creative and open about their approach! And they are both fabulous women!

I did say I was doing my geek thing.

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