Monday 24 September 2012

Escaping Suva

Suva is by no means a raging metropolis. But going away this weekend genuinely felt like I had left the big smoke behind and had arrived in paradise.

Up until now, I had no real sense for the Fiji that everyone talks about - the sandy white beaches...the crystal blue oceans...the fresh clean air. Well, I have finally met that Fiji and I have to admit, I am pretty much in love with it!

It is hard to put into words the feeling of pure happiness I felt as soon as I put my feet into the warm waters. I am not usually a water person, but floating in the water and chatting to lots of different people was quite soul restoring.

Not that my soul needed restoring. I love living in Suva, but you can sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the people, and things to do! So a weekend of doing nothing except swimming, sipping tea and laughing was simply delightful. All the light and airy words you can think of, this is the best way to describe the feeling.

I was hoping to start learning how to dive over the weekend, but it turns out you have to spend several hours studying before your get to jump into the water.


I have to take an exam and I didn't have time to do the exam prep! So, I will slowly start to build up a bit of diving know-how and hopefully by the end of the month have a chance to get my certificate. I am starting to get dive envy - there are some incredible experiences being shared with the fish and coral. As scared as I am of being underwater, I am also really looking forward to it as well.

Coming back to Suva was also a really good feeling. It is much cooler here after really hot weather last week and I can appreciate things more now I have had some time away.

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