Sunday 16 September 2012

Le Hunte's new Housemate

So earlier this week I awoke to bloodcurdling screams and tears. I thought the worst...
the zombie apocalypse had commenced in our kitchen and was eating the leg off one of my housemates.

Well, OK, maybe not. But at the very least I thought we were under attack from multiple bugs or something slimy had found its way into the house.

Enter Bryan. Our newest resident. A mouse. No bigger than your palm and with a delightful brownish hue.

He raced through the kitchen and made his way down to one of the bedrooms. This set of a second round of screaming!

With great bravado I entered the mouse infested space, and proceeded to blockade the bed under the careful direction of my housemate so Bryan could escape with some dignity.
It was then I spotted him crouched under the bed in a fashion which looked like we had squashed him!

Ohh, the humanity! As my housemate and I mourned poor little Bryan, he sprang back into action and proceeded to crawl about under the bed. And that set of another round of squealing and quick as a flash I was up on the bed.

 No way this mouse was going to catch me!...Wait, what?

We are pretty sure Bryan ended up back under the couch in our living room. Not sure. He has not made a reappearance…and given the shenanigans that accompanied his first appearance I can understand why!

Poor Bryan! Welcome back anytime!

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