Sunday 9 September 2012

Sailing Weekend

So my weekend of sailing was simply fantastic. I have never sailed before so this was a big first for me.

Hobie Cats are really F A S T.  So when the wind picks up you just zoom across the water! The first day we were in the water is was quite windy - up at about 20 knots. So it was basically a day of struggling not to capsize and keep the cat up right.

And try to learn how to tack and gybe and just generally steer the boat!!! It was tough conditions for a girl's first day out on the water. I have at least 17 bruises and scratches and bumps to the head to show for myself...check it out:

OK, it is a bit difficult to see, but let me tell you I earnt every single one of my bruises and then had to back it up the next day on my knees!

I was so exhausted and deydrated that I came home and collapsed and was pretty much useless for the rest of the evening. Pity I missed the BBQ to catch up with everyone and trade war stories.

Day II and we get the complete opposite conditions - it was still, sunny and light. We were worried there wouldn't be enough wind to propel the boats!

We spent the day out at a sand bar on the harbour and learning skills without the panic and threat of crashing and tipping up - except for the deliberate capsize to get training in how to get the boat back upright - as if I needed that after Day I!

It was really relaxing and I learnt so much about how to sense the wind and how to steer into and out of the wind. I had this breakthrough moment late in the day when I started to get the hang of it all. Just in time for us to come back on land!

Will most definately be going back for more, but plan to let my bruises heal a little bit first!

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