Saturday 15 September 2012

Victory Parade and some Constiutional Conversations

You may have heard that Fiji and the Pacific won its first gold medal ever in an Olympic event.  Iliesa Delana won a gold medal in the high jump and Fiji welcomed him home this week in style!!

When you win a gold medal for Fiji, you are presented with a giant, massive roast pig and a house. Which I think is well deserved, given it is a momentus achievement! I have unashamedly jumped on board the Iliesa train! Shameless!!!

I also got a free mini Fiji flag, which quite frankly sealed the deal for me!

AND...I got to see the Fiji police marching band once again in all their glory. These guys are actually pretty damn awesome and have affirmed my love of all things marching band. I have not yet discovered why these guys get sulus that have ridgy bottoms - I am not sure if that is just an asthetic or serves some other function related to them being in a marching band. These are the challenging questions of the day!

In other news, earlier this week I sat in on a really interesting panel discussion related to particpation in the development of Fiji's new constiution. This is a fascinating process, where members of the public are invited to submit ideas on what should be included in the new constiution.

Still being new to Fiji and working for people who are in the human rights, advocacy and awareness world, this was a really good opportunity to hear what is important to Fijians and what are some of the challenges.

And I got free sandwhiches - also makes me happy!

Mmm, I feel a bit of theme emerging here on the free stuff front...

I feel like I should be talking a bit more about my Kizomba and French lessons. That is right people, when in Fiji take French and learn Angolan dance, It's the only way! OK, i will be starting to learn how to dive soon. There - country appropriate news for you all!

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